Saint Augustine Parish
413 West 19th Street
Covington, KY 41014
(859) 431-3943
(859) 261-5564 (School)
Welcome to our Parish!
Below you will find information concerning the regular goings on at St. Augustine Parish. For more information, please see the links above.

Custom Wreath Auction
During Fish Fries
Father Dan has created custom wreaths that will be auctioned off during the Lenten Fish Fries. Be sure to check them out when you come to get your fish! The first auction begins March 7 and ends at 7:00pm on March 14. See the wreaths available here.
Lent - Latin
During the Holy Season of Lent, we will be incorporating the use of Latin into our celebrations of the Holy Mass. Learn the Latin Chants by clicking here:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy)
Mysterium Fidei (Mystery of Faith)
Pater Noster (Our Father)
Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)

Lent - Fish Fries
Fridays in Lent - 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Please join us every Friday during Lent for our annual Fish Fry. See the menu here.
24 Hours for the Lord
Friday, March 21 - 12Noon - 12Midnight
St. Augustine will host the second half of "24 Hours for the Lord" in the Covington Deanery on Friday, March 21, 2025, from Noon - Midnight. The Most Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for Adoration during that time and a priest will also be in the Confessional to offer the Sacrament of Penance. Please sign up for an hour of adoration by clicking here.

Wedding Inquiry
Anyone wishing information about getting married at St. Augustine should fill out the form linked here.
Funeral Planning
St. Benedict reminds us to "keep death before our eyes always." Many people are lost and confused at the death of a loved one; help your family by providing your funeral requests via this form. Funeral Readings can be found here. We can keep it at the parish office or you can leave with your family.

Sacred Music Concert
Saturday, March 15 @ 7:00pm
Please join us for our next Sacred Music Concert featuring, the combined choirs of St. Augustine Parish. All concerts are held in the church and are Free to the public. A free will offering will be taken up to support the Sacred Music Ministry.
January 12, 2025
Thanks to everyone who made the Re-dedication of the church and the Consecration of the Altar such a success! Please feel free to take as many Keep-Sake Programs... and extra 500 were sent to us. See pictures from the Mass here.